Schmalenberger pumps in the machining industry
Reputable machine and plant constructors have relied for many years on products from our company: drilling machines, lathes, grinding and milling machines and coolant filter systems being equipped with Schmalenberger pumps. Experience, reliability and durability are the prime demands of our customers.
Uses and application areas of our pumps:
- Machine tools (drilling/turning/grinding/milling)
- Grinding and cutting machines (e.g., for stone machining)
- Water jet cutting systems
- Recirculation systems
- Filter systems (coolant/oil)

Pumps for coolant recirculation
Our recommendation:
Our SM, FB, SZ, SZcut and FZ series are ideal for light to severely contaminated media.
The SM type deserves particular recognition in this respect, as dirt particles, chip material and media with air inclusions can be pumped without difficulty. A further advantage is self-priming. Application areas: conveyance of coolant from the machine tool to a central or individual filter system and the chip conveyor.
Unsere Pumpentypen KSP, ZHB, TH und S sind für die Förderung von spanfreien Kühlschmierstoffen mit Ölen bestens geeignet.

Pumps for filtration
Our recommendation:
Our KSP pump type is particularly suitable for feeding coolants to the filter system and recirculating the cleaned medium to the machine tool. Self-priming and a more rapid increase in pressure makes it particularly interesting for use in the production cycle.
Pumps for return pump stations
Our recommendation:
We can provide you with 2 different pump types here. With an integrated cutting knife, the SZcut cutter pump cuts and delivers the medium with chip material to the filter via the pipe system. The SZ can be used for low contamination levels (e.g., grinding particles). Both pumps are of the same design and can be interchanged.

Pumps for chip delivery
Our recommendation:
The SZcut cutter pump is our chip delivery highlight. Our latest product, the new SZ 40-13 series, is ideal for small tanks and can be installed in the machine tank or chip conveyor.
Areas of use:
- Pumping of media with very high levels of inclusions and solid admixes
- Coarse and severely contaminated abrasive media
- Suitable for lye, solvents, cooling emulsions, chips, grinding sludge