Responsibility for society and the environment


Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of the century. Our actions are based on the obligation to pass on an intact condition of the earth to future generations. It is important to protect the climate and use resources efficiently. We comply with laws, regulations and principles regarding environmental protection.

Out of responsibility towards our environment, we value sustainable business practices to protect the environment and natural resources.

Dietmar Rogg, CEO

Climate protection at Schmalenberger

Avoid. Reduce. Compensate.

Climate protection is an essential part of our understanding of sustainability. We are guided by the principle of “avoid before reducing before compensating”. Avoiding and reducing climate-damaging emissions is our top priority. We aim to significantly reduce our CO2 emissions compared to the reference year 2019 by 2025.

Actual: 17.3% less CO2 emissions compared to 2019

(rev. 04/2024)


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Less CO2 emissions by 2025


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Less CO2 emissions in 2030

Our responsibility

Climate balance & climate strategy

We are actively working to reduce our CO2 footprint through clearly defined measures – the success of which we can clearly calculate based on our GHG balance – in order to keep our resource requirements under operational control over the long term. For us, the focus is not just on individual savings potential, but on the entire need for all resources.

Our greenhouse gas balance has been externally certified since 2019. The basis for accounting is the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (GHG Protocol)) and DIN EN ISO 14064-1:2019-06: (Determination and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions at organisational level). We take three “scopes” into account:

Scope 1:
Direct emissions from the use of primary energy sources and from production processes.

Scope 2:
Indirect emissions from energy consumption.

Scope 3:
Indirect emissions that occur in our company’s value chain.

For other indirect emissions from upstream and downstream activities, for example, the emissions for transporting our goods to the customer are automatically calculated using geo data. In addition, materiality analyses continually determine which other indirect emissions should be included in the balance sheet limits.

Our products are designed for high efficiency, reliability and longevity and are constructed to conserve resources. The use of regional suppliers is a priority for us. Our internal material flows are recorded and evaluated in order to reduce material, wastewater and energy costs while at the same time promoting more environmentally friendly processes (e.g. use of environmentally friendly materials). We are constantly increasing the efficiency of our machinery and consistently reducing the use of lubricants and packaging materials in our production and assembly. When assessing our business activities, which includes our supply chain activities, we consider the impact on the environment and our ecological responsibility as important criteria.

We achieve successful climate protection primarily through the involvement of managers and the active participation of all employees in order to increase awareness of sustainability aspects and our company guidelines in everyday work.

Dietmar Rogg, CEO

We are active into the future

Measures to reduce our CO2-emissions

Energy production

Since 2012, we have been producing the majority of the electricity we need ourselves in our own combined heat and power plant. We are currently planning a major expansion with a 130 KWp photovoltaic system.

CO2-neutral electricity

We obtain 100% external electricity from green electricity. We want to compensate for this with 100% of our own electricity by 2028.

Company fleet

By 2026, more than 50% of our company fleet will be converted to electric and hybrid drives. There are already enough charging stations available for refueling.

Switching to LED lighting

In 2023 we will have completed the conversion of our factories to LED lighting.


We are constantly pushing forward the digitalisation of our business processes.

Own electricity generation

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Target by 2026